new ImageLightbox(document.querySelectorAll('a[data-imagelightbox="basic"]'));
HTML5 responsive image example
Add data-ilb2-srcset and data-ilb2-sizes to the link, containing the parameters of a HTML5 image tag.
new ImageLightbox(document.querySelectorAll('a[data-imagelightbox="responsive"]'));
Video support
Add data-ilb2-video to the link, containing the parameters of a HTML5 video tag as JSON. You can also include a sources field - a list of source tags similarily encoded.
new ImageLightbox(
caption: true,
With navigation
new ImageLightbox(
navigation: true,
Quit behavior
new ImageLightbox(document.querySelectorAll('a[data-imagelightbox="quit"]'), {
quitOnDocClick: false,
quitOnEnd: false,
quitOnImgClick: true,
With history & permalinks
new ImageLightbox(
history: true,
Open with ?imageLightboxIndex=2 added to the url to open the third image (may need to add &imageLightboxSet=history as well because there are multiple examples)
History with ids
new ImageLightbox(
history: true,
Add data-ilb2-id="img2" and open with ?imageLightboxIndex=img2 added to the url to open that image (may need to add &imageLightboxSet=history-ids as well because there are multiple examples)
Filter images by extension
Allow gif only
new ImageLightbox(
allowedTypes: "gif",